How This Package Works As A Gift Voucher

Once you have made your way to the checkout page to process payment, you will then gain access to a PDF of the gift voucher itself. Use this to either print out or email to the receiver on the day of gifting. I will be in touch after payment via email to obtain the information required, so that your loved one can access everything included in this package.

Meet Torii The Naturopath

I am a degree-qualified naturopath and the founder of Torii Naturopathy Clinic. My passion truly lies in helping others access the knowledge on how to heal and support themselves. I love working one on one with people as this is a very potent and individualised way to heal and learn. Everything I’ve learnt, throughout the years I’ve spent devoted to this training, has taught me that everyone should be encouraged to deepen their understanding about health and how to heal. We all need to understand the foundations for good health and be able to lean into our uniqueness. A package such as this one, is so great because it encompasses the foundational elements of naturopathic care through the Food Is Medicine eBook and the Pillars of Health resource. Combined with the one-on-one consultations provides the powerful tools to launch individual health and completely reset our systems!

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